Denlea & Carton


June 25, 2021

Should You Seek Medical Treatment After An Accident?

Being involved in any kind of accident is a very harrowing experience. At the accident scene, it is common for victims to refuse medical attention thinking they are okay; however, even mild pain can mask a more serious injury. In addition, it can take several hours, several days or even longer for injuries to manifest. That is why it is important to seek medical treatment as soon as possible after a car accident, slip and fall or any other serious accident.

Getting the right medical care and treatment, and getting it timely, is critical to your good health. Any delay in treatment may make your injury worse. A lack of proper and timely care could make the recovery period even longer. By not seeking treatment right away, you could also aggravate the initial injury, creating a more severe problem. Most importantly, getting to the right medical specialists quickly will help the healing process to begin.

In addition, a delay in seeking medical treatment might make it more difficult to pursue a claim against the responsible party, as it becomes harder to link your injuries to the accident. If there is any gap between the time of the accident and the time you first seek medical treatment, an insurance company will likely question whether your injuries were caused by the initial accident or by some other work-related incident or physical activity that occurred after the accident.

Unfortunately, getting the right treatment can be costly, and oftentimes, finding the responsible party for payment of your medical bills can be challenging. Do you use your car insurance? Health insurance? Medicare or Medicaid? Getting the care and treatment you need AND getting the responsible entity to pay for that treatment can be confusing and complicated.

An experienced attorney will guide you through this process and make sure you receive all the benefits to which you are entitled. If you need a dedicated and experienced lawyer at this time, contact Denlea & Carton for a free consultation.


James R. Denlea

Jeffrey I. Carton

Catherine Friesen

Craig Cepler

Steven Schoenfeld

Amber Wallace

Christopher Dennis

Phil Smith

Martin McCann

Lindsey Leibowitz

Robert J. Berg

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