Denlea & Carton


June 12, 2018

General Contractor Escapes Liability

The Firm successfully obtained summary judgment dismissing claims filed against a general contractor by a homeowner in a third-party complaint seeking indemnification for the serious personal injuries that a visitor to the homeowner’s property sustained when he fell off a second story deck after the railing collapsed.  The homeowner impleaded our client, a general contractor, which had performed work on the deck several years before the incident.  We were able to establish that the contractor did not contribute to the defect that led to the railing’s collapse, and that as a matter of law our client owed no duty to the injured person.  The Court’s ruling eliminates the potentially crippling financial consequences that could have befallen the general contractor if it was kept in the lawsuit.  Peter Freiberg led the defense of the action.


James R. Denlea

Jeffrey I. Carton

Catherine Friesen

Craig Cepler

Steven Schoenfeld

Amber Wallace

Christopher Dennis

Phil Smith

Martin McCann

Lindsey Leibowitz

Robert J. Berg

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